Friday, August 11, 2006

Let's get back to Friday night.

It finally happened...

Someone drank the fucking Tanqueray.

This bottle of gin is (was) at least 7 years old. It began its journey at Josh & Dan's old place off of Grand, made it's way to Amy & my place on St. Clair, where it lived in the freezer for 2 years, moved to Amy's trunk for at least a year (bit of a rough patch), reunited with its original owner when it moved into the liquor garage on Stryker... and now is finally, finally at rest.

RIP you gross old gin.

What a good 'sport' Shorty's LAbuddy Andy was for putting it out of its misery. It's amazing how easy it is to make unknowing people drink things.

Now, on to the party:

The Hogs really like Snow. Yes, that Snow. "Informer" Snow.

Why do we even have Ouzo? I mean, why did we even have Ouzo? (That's got Tawny's name written all over it. Thanks, Tawny).

Anyone who has ever seen this spectacle before knows exactly what is happening... and what song is playing.

This bottle is curretly for sale on E-Bay.

Ciao, buddies.

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