Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Ladies Who Lunch 2006 Tour: Blaine, MN

Ladies lunching on a rainy Sunday afternoon... sounds harmless enough, right?

Uh uh, suckas, not harmless at all. Not harmless when said ladies go lunching at Bella (the strip mall version of DT Mpls Bellanotte) in Blaine.

Ah, the old personalized chocolate martini trick.

Apparently, in Blaine, daytime "lunching" -- lunching that lasts for 7 hours and includes (the most disgusting) poop stories (ever), 47 rounds of drinks, simulated fellatio, and hickie-giving contests - - is all quite the norm, because - well, I don't think we even got banned and our server said thank you when we left.

You might wonder why Blaine? Well, we ain't to proud to... go to Blaine. Not when the happy hour specials include $2.50 house wine, fancy vodkas, specialty martinis, and yummy food items. Really.

Curly dark hairs and/or straight blonde hairs are not allowed to sit on the same side of the table as each other. It was the only thing weird about Bella.

Shorty introduces us to the Gay-n-Ginger (Mount Gay rum & ginger ale), which were a big hit and nicely complimented by the ability to smoke Camel Lights indoors.

Gross, gross poop stories, told loudly, excitedly, without abandon -- even the Hog is grossed out. We all feel, however, strangely comforted by the confessions of the near misses and, uh... misses.

Wait, wait.... let me try to give you a hickie on your forearm. That won't be weird at work tomorrow.

Valayna confirms that is is indeed impossible to lick your own elbow. Try it.

Ciao, buddies.


lp said...

I *know* it was a fun time... I just wish I could remember more! Sorry about the hickies, ladies, but I have to say, Hog and Valayna, you two got me good on my arms.
I LOVES me some Ladies Who Lunch!

Rand said...

Yeee-ha! Nina's back! I thought you were out of business!

Just the place for lots of pics of hot drunk ladies - beer bongs - arm hickies - some lady named "the hog"...
