Friday, October 27, 2006

...and the Cabaret band plays a little slower, sadder

This just might be the only post where in I look to the Cabaret as a personal journal... ya know, with feelings and stuff. But, Momma is sad.

I suppose it makes sense to use the blog to share with you. I mean, it's not like I'm, say, Anderson Cooper, with a blog audience of 300 grand or whatever - - my "you" is all of my closest friends.

I found out on Wednesday that Wendi (ya'll know Wendi - the Vickster's roommate/best friend/co-worker & my good friend) has cancer. Horrible, aggressive, far-along type of cancer. She went to United emergency after a bed-ridden week due to back pain. She's had back problems for years, so it made sense, just seemed really, really bad this time. Nothing some treatment, muscle relaxers and pain meds can't fix, right?

Wrong. The CT scan came back with a big red X on it. Not literally, I'm sure, but I can only imagine that the word hit that room like a flatbed of concrete blocks. Cancer. Breast cancer metastacized into her spine, wrapped around it, fractured it.


It's been a full day now of knowing, visiting, crying, waiting. There are plenty more tests to be run & specialists to see. Everything to know is not yet known, but the fucking word still sits there. It's been a full day now and still, all I can really say is Jesus. And shit. And keep Wendi in your thoughts. And keep the Vickster in your thoughts. And let's all try harder to quit smoking.

Ciao, buddies.

1 comment:

Valayna said...

Oh my God. I don't get it, I seriously am sitting in my cube and my eyes are filling up with tears of shock and confusion. This isn't right. I have you and Vicki and Wendy right smack dab at the forefront of my heart right now. Please know that you are all in my thoughts.