Tuesday, February 20, 2007



FUN: We can all stalk Katie while she's in Australia: Katie's blog. It almost seems like it should be a requirement that if a friend or loved one leaves for months at a time - well, then they must create and maintain a blog. What a great way to stay updated and, almost, feel like you are playing along. YAY KT.

FUNNY: This is a snippet of conversation I overheard at LoTo this weekend:

Crazy-looking Old Guy at Bar: "Hey, do you know what's doing in where Mear's Market

Bartender: "Yeah, Trixx, the wine bar."

COG: "Hmm..."

Bartender: "They are over on Robert right now, just moving to a new space."

COG: "A wine bar, huh. Sounds good. Good food?"

Bartender: "Yeah, probably."

... server walks up

COG: "Hey, do you know what's doing in where Mear's Market was?"

Server: "Yeah, Trixx, the gay bar that's over on Robert."

Bartender: "Woops."

Ciao, buddies.

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