Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Imagine the sad Peanuts song when you read this.

The saddest thing ever just happened.

The DQ a block from my house just reopened- which is not sad at all, I know, but that's not the story- and I walked down there for just a little snack. Just a taste, nothing fancy... a nice medium sized twist cone. I was so excited walking back to my house with my twist cone because, not only is it a wonderful day when the DQ reopens, but also, well, a twist cone is just so fucking good.

But I was careless with my twist cone. And it was really, really windy outside. You know where I'm going with this... ?


It just blew it off. Onto the sidewalk. And it just splatted there, a tragic little brown and white splat, once tall and proud and twisty - now a messy pile of splat. And I stood there and stared at it for at least twenty seconds - and then I just walked back home, head hanging low. I couldn't even curse the blasted sky, I was so upset about the empty cone in my hand. It looked so damn lonely I had to throw it in the trash to put it out of its misery.

Ciao, buddies.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry but that just makes me laugh out loud (even though I have no voice so I look like I'm choking).
The good news is you can go back. MMMMMM Buster Bar MMMMMM

Anonymous said...

Yes! And imagine Blizzards of the Month. DQ rocks!