Friday, March 16, 2007


I am so weary of this white house. I haven't shared political thoughts for a while because I am just tired of it all... but now I'm sort of fired up again. This U.S. attorney firing thing IS a big deal and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. And it is NOT the same thing is what previous administrations have done when they've "cleaned house" upon arrival.

These attorneys are Bushie's own appointees, fired several years into the first, and even second, terms.

These attorneys were not turned over with the administration; they were fired for incompetence and other "real" reasons. These attorneys were targeted for specific behavior (such as refusing to prosecute some democrat for some made up crime or being deemed to light on democrats in general), and there is an email trail to prove it.

This is NOT what Clinton did when he came into office and there was the typical turnover. This is more akin to if the Clinton administration had conducted a covert operation to fire Ken Starr.

Ugh, puke. These guys just make me ill sometimes. They operate like bullies or mobsters and then they lie and spin with such boldness that people actually believe them. Yes, I know the good news is that less and less people do actually believe them anymore. AND, the best news, I know, is that with the newfound democratic subpoena power, this type of bullshit is coming out and people are beginning to be held accountable, a la poor little Scooter.

Ciao, buddies.

P.S. Do me a favor, the next time you hear a conservative say Bill Clinton - ever- flick him in the forehead. Keep flicking repeatedly until they either cry or run away.

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