Monday, May 19, 2008

I am not pure.

This is creepy. And not in a cool-creepy, Christopher Walken, sort of way. It's creepy like a grown men with tattooed stigmata kind of way.

It's also incredibly stupid to the point that it's hilarious. Anyone else think there's a pretty gaping hole in the logic here... having to do with, uh, teenage boys-- ???

But... I think we've found our theme for this year's ladies holiday party!

Having been to Colorado Springs before, I can say that if there is a place for a purity ball, that is it.

That town was one of the oddest I've ever been too and I don't think you could pay me cash money to ever go back. Focus on the Family is centered there. I saw real, live skinheads there. I was slightly frightened... and I'm white and straight. I felt like they could smell my impurity and my "far-left lunacy" for miles all around. Scaaawwy.

Ciao, buddies.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

stupid hicks...those girls need to move to the North East as soon as they can legally move.