Sunday, July 15, 2007

What if everyone I know sent me five dollars?


Summer is just not the time to blog, eh? I feel a little relieved that some of my other blog buddies seem as unmotivated to do so as I. And it's certainly not that I don't have things on my mind (which you, as a reader, must be interested in... that's the nature of blogs/blog readers, right?), because I do. So there, suckas.

  • POLITICS SECTION: What a fucking hypocrite.

Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) acknowledged Monday night that his number appears on
telephone records of the alleged D.C. Madam, Deborah Jeane Palfrey, and issued
an apology. (AP)

"This was a very serious sin in my past for which
I am, of course, completely responsible. Several years ago, I asked for and
received forgiveness from God and my wife in confession and marriage counseling.
Out of respect for my family, I will keep my discussion of the matter there-with
God and them. But I certainly offer my deep and sincere apologies to all I have
disappointed and let down in any way," Vitter said.

Now, this fella, if indeed I know my full-of-shit, neo-con-tools as well as I think I do, is one of the most hardcore social conservatives out there, right? And he has said, repeatedly and patronizingly, that marriage is THE most important thing in the whole wide world and that those immoral gays, sin machines that they are, have no right to even look in its general direction. Oh, and also, wasn't he one of the loudest idiot Clinton bashers - demanding impeachment not so much for the lying (which, now seems almost quaint and precious when compared to Bushie), but for the immorality of infidelity?

Yes, is the answer, that's the guy. I repeat: what a fucking hypocrite.

This is not a photo of David Vitter. This is Tom Delay. Apropos and, I think, really funny.

  • SPORTS SECTION: I need to start betting on things.

I could be retired right now. Seriously, last week's All-Star goodness (which I totally love, although I understand it's not for everyone) could have brought me some fat cash if I would have bet (assuming that I actually would have had anything to bet. can you wager with good will and a nice smile?) with my gut. I totally called the HR derby winner (My second favorite non-Twin, Vlad Guerrero) AND the game MVP (my third favorite non-Twin, Ichiro). I did, I'm not kidding; people heard me and everything.

  • SOCIETY SECTION: East & West Coast All-Stars

Last weekend was a fun one: out with Courtney from NYC one night and Tatum from LA the next. I don't have a whole lot to say about it except that it was super fun, not very sober and that I spent all my money for the month.

But, well worth it:

Who needs to eat and buy gas when you have sweet memories of afternoon chardonnay(s) and pretty blond kisses.

Ciao, buddies.

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