Monday, March 31, 2008

My fuckin' finger, Chester! He cut off my fuckin' finger!

I very honestly nearly sent myself to the emergency room this weekend. What kind of fool reaches out, fleshy finger parts extended and exposed, to catch a falling kitchen knife? I do. I'm the fool who does such a thing and I pity myself deeply.

I also tempted the emergency room gods and goddesses by knowingly and willingly eating chicken I wasn't too sure about. "When in doubt, throw it out." I know this truism but, eh, this chicken was so cheesy and delicious looking - - I simply couldn't stop myself.

I bet you can't believe that, after months of not posting anything new other than other people's creativity and wit, this is what I choose to bring you, kitchen-related near-misses. Ah, the joy of blogging. Oh, and I have plenty of pithy and sophisticated thoughts as well. OK.

Ciao, buddies.

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