Tuesday, January 08, 2008

15% Guiliani and 13% Huckabee, btw.

anyone else totally obsessed with election coverage right now? I KNOW it's too early, I KNOW it's over hyped, I KNOW it is an admission of my incredible dorkiness... but I just can't help it.

seriously, this shit is interesting. and this is the first time I've felt so undecided. I mean, not undecided on the question of dem v. republican (nfs), but which dem I prefer. I like a lot about all of them. I honestly don't know what I'd do if I had to vote tomorrow. I'm not complaining; I do not see this as a bad problem to have right now.

I've taken some tests like this one:

(63% Clinton, 60% Obama, 58% Edwards)

I know they are wild oversimplifications, but I sort of like those little quizzes because they are about issues and not personality, which - wow - is turning out to mean everything these days, isn't it? The I just don't like her but I don't know why if pressed to come up with an answer factor is strong here. As is the he seems like a real regular, likable guy, especially when compared to the slippery fools surrounding him theme.

I like the shift to "change" that the rhetoric has taken. although it became almost painfully ubiquitous within a matter of minutes after Obama's amazing Iowa victory speech, it's the right idea. we can fix this mess... let's stop giving up all hope on this country and remember what makes it great... all that. good stuff.

and then there's the other side. their whole field is a total joke. and it's my new favorite joke - - even better than the best ever man with no arms and no legs jokes. Phil, definitely.

ciao, buddies.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm apparently 63% Hillary, 58% Obama, 55% Edwards ... and 68% Kucinich. I don't want him to be my president or anything but I love the crazy fucker.

I'm undecided but have a leaning. And not only are there things that I love about all of them (on our team), but there are things that annoy the crap out of me about all of them. Which makes it even harder.

Miss you!