Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Did you know that mice can't burp?

I know, I know... it's been awhile since I've blogged real words and not just linked to other people's funny stuff. I don't know about you fools, but I have been a very busy bee these days. It's a bit much and I wouldn't mind being a little less popular. JK. kinda.

What's new with me? Let's see, work is busy and a bummer (my coworker/friend/style muse is moving away), still settling into the new apartment. Right now, all of my minutes are spent finishing up the creative nonfiction classics class I've been taking this term. 10 books in 14 weeks.

It's been excellent but also one of the, if not the, most challenging class I've taken yet in my program. And the fun part, yah you this one... I don't even need it. I graduated already, remember? I know, I'm either an overachiever or an idiot - you decide.

In Cold Blood might just be one of the best books - ever, by the way. We've also read some other amazing nonfiction that I am very pleased to have read, namely: Desert Solitaire, Zami: A New Spelling of My Name, and Hiroshima. In Cold Blood is off the charts though- in lots of ways.

Things all over the place seem pretty fucked up right now... church shootings, mall shootings, southern baptist preachers as sudden right wing front runners (wtf?), white house authorized torture and missing interrogation video (of course), a magical talk show host who can supposedly single-handily change history (wow). Oh, and the fucking Spice Girls are back (zigazahahhh).

Another great WTF? moment from last week:

"Freedom requires religion just as religion requires freedom. Freedom opens the windows of the soul so that man can discover his most profound beliefs and commune with God. Freedom and religion endure together, or perish alone.” -Mitt Romney

Really? Freedom and religion endure together, or perish alone? He either has LOST writers on his staff or he thinks all Americans are stupid as his hair looks.

My new favorite news story and priceless fodder for happy hour conversation:

German men are the world's worst lovers, a poll of 10,000 women travellers claims. They are branded selfish in bed while second-placed Swedes are too quick. Third are the "too rough" Dutch, followed by "too dominant" Americans, "sloppy" Welshmen and "too loud" Scots.
Englishmen were voted 10th worst and accused of being too chubby. Turks were marked down as sweaty, Greeks smelly and Russians hairy.

Italian men were voted best lovers followed by males from France, Ireland, South Africa, Australia, Spain, Denmark, New Zealand, Brazil and Canada. (london mirror)

What a fun little survey. I would say I have one disagreement (which most of you can probably guess; I kiss and tell) and three questions: 1) How loud do you have to be to be voted 6th worst lovers in the WORLD? Wow. 2) Where the Asians at? 3.) Canadians? Really?

Ciao, buddies.

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